2 мин.


Hello everyone who's reading this post!

You're either registered on sports.ru or just came up by accident. It doesn't really matter how you'd get here.

Here we write texts about F1/ other auto/moto in English. If you are native English speaker, you'll probably find nothing really interesting for you, because most of the posts will be written by non-native English speakers like me. But you can help us with our language style, fix our mistakes... it's up to you.

You can also write here for us and there's one firm condition:

  • write here YOUR texts

We don't want to see here news in English.

We also don't care about professional bloggers' posts (unless you are one of them and you want us to know you).

We want to see English texts about F1 which were written for us. Plus, I think it would be also good if you'll be copying your posts from services like blogspot.com of livejournal.com. It's entirely up to you.

I want to make it clear: we need to have only your posts here. If you found some interesting post while browsing internet, this is not a place for it. But if you post something on blogspot.com and there are no attention - try to find it here!

Now to unsure non-native English speakers. You're free to write comments in any language, but, of course, English would be the most desirable. However, if you don't understand something, write in Russian.

This is an open blog. Everyone can write here posts about F1 and other auto/moto sports in English. I should say it once again: we need to see your texts. No reposts of texts you like, no news, but the texts written by YOU.

Good luck, good reading and good discussions!

P.S. Please, insert the link to this post in the end of all your posts in order not to lose it. Do it like this:

Rules of this blog