1 мин.

Фабио Квартараро обещает идти на войну, не опуская рук: «Я буду тренироваться день и ночь, чтобы сражаться с Марком Марк

Having crowned himself world champion, Fabio Quartararo is more motivated than ever for the 2022 season. However, your M1's problems, namely the lack of top speed, make the driver anxious, but never discouraged. Precisely because he knows he doesn't have a better grilled bike, the French have been physically training to fill that gap.

“We need more top speed, which we haven't found yet. Now we are working on aerodynamics, but we need maximum speed. I will try my best, that's the most important thing. I will train day and night to fight Mark [Marquez]. When you know you don't have a better bike and if you want to be there [at the top], I have more reasons to do so," said a driver interviewed by DAZN, where he continued:

- And when you see difficulties, in the end you think that many of us have problems, but I mean one thing: always look who is at the top of the list in each race, not the first Yamaha, or who is the first in a team.