Korean Grand Prix Tickets Go On Sale
Korean Grand Prix Tickets Go On Sale
Tickets went on sale Wednesday for this year′s Formula One Korea Grand Prix, at prices some 30 percent less than last year on average. The race will be held at the Korea International Circuit in Yeongam, South Jeolla Province for three days from Oct. 14. Last year tickets sold for an average of W460,000 apiece, but this year the price is down to W315,000 (US$1=W1,128).
The price of the most expensive tickets has been lowered from more than W1 million to W890,000, and the cheapest from over W120,000 to W87,000. The cuts are due to the small size of the nascent auto sports market here as well as Korean consumers′ reluctance to buy expensive tickets for the sport, the organizing committee said. Mar. 03, 2011 11:17
Source: Choson Ilbo.