Решение Трибунала Марии
Наконец опубликовали это решение.
Марию наказали - забанили на 24 месяцев.
Начало бана 26-го января 2016 года.
Будьте готовы поддержать нашу Машу!
Борьба за восстановления её имя начинается!
8 June 2016 – London, ENGLAND - An Independent Tribunal appointed under Article 8.1 of the 2016 Tennis Anti-Doping Programme (the "Programme") has found that Maria Sharapova committed an Anti-Doping Rule Violation under Article 2.1 of the Programme and as a consequence has disqualified the affected results and imposed a period of ineligibility of two years, commencing on 26 January 2016.Ms. Sharapova, a 29-year-old player from Russia, provided a urine sample on 26 January 2016, after her quarter-final match at the 2016 Australian Open in Melbourne, Australia. That sample was sent to the WADA-accredited laboratory in Montreal, Canada for analysis, and was found to contain meldonium, which is a metabolic modulator that is included under section S4 (Hormone and Metabolic Modulators) of the 2016 WADA Prohibited List, and therefore is also prohibited under the Programme.On 2 March 2016, Ms. Sharapova was charged with an Anti-Doping Rule Violation under Article 2.1 of the Programme (presence of a Prohibited Substance in a Player’s Sample). She promptly admitted that she had committed the Anti-Doping Rule Violation charged, and asked for a hearing before an Independent Tribunal in accordance with Article 8 of the Programme to determine the consequences to be imposed on her for that violation.At a two-day hearing on 18-19 May 2016, the Independent Tribunal received evidence and heard legal arguments from both parties, and subsequently issued a reasoned decision on 8 June, which is available below. The Independent Tribunal determined that (1) Ms. Sharapova should serve a period of ineligibility of two years; (2) due to her prompt admission of her violation, that period of ineligibility should be back-dated under Article 10.10.3(b) of the Programme to commence from 26 January 2016 (the date of sample collection) and so should end at midnight on 25 January 2018; and (3) her results at the 2016 Australian Open should be disqualified, with resulting forfeiture of the ranking points and prize money that she won at that event.The Tennis Anti-Doping Programme applies to all players competing at Grand Slam tournaments and events sanctioned by the ITF, ATP, and WTA. Players are tested for substances prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency and, upon a finding that an Anti-Doping Rule Violation has been committed, sanctions are imposed under the Programme in compliance with the requirements of the World Anti-Doping Code. More information on the Programme, sanctions, statistics, and related matters can be found at www.itftennis.com/antidoping.

Мария на ее Фейсбук:
Today with their decision of a two year suspension, the ITF tribunal unanimously concluded that what I did was not intentional. The tribunal found that I did not seek treatment from my doctor for the purpose of obtaining a performance enhancing substance. The ITF spent tremendous amounts of time and resources trying to prove I intentionally violated the anti-doping rules and the tribunal concluded I did not. You need to know that the ITF asked the tribunal to suspend me for four years – the required suspension for an intentional violation -- and the tribunal rejected the ITF’s position.
While the tribunal concluded correctly that I did not intentionally violate the anti-doping rules, I cannot accept an unfairly harsh two-year suspension. The tribunal, whose members were selected by the ITF, agreed that I did not do anything intentionally wrong, yet they seek to keep me from playing tennis for two years. I will immediately appeal the suspension portion of this ruling to CAS, the Court of Arbitration for Sport.
I have missed playing tennis and I have missed my amazing fans, who are the best and most loyal fans in the world. I have read your letters. I have read your social media posts and your love and support has gotten me through these tough days. I intend to stand for what I believe is right and that’s why I will fight to be back on the tennis court as soon as possible.
Love Maria
P.S. My lawyer prepared a short summary of how the ITF process works so I thought I would pass it along to my fans so you too can be aware of what the ITF rules call for

Так 02-го февраля был второй допинг тест, который, конечно, казался положительный. К счастью Трибунал принял решение рассматрфивать эти две нарушения как одно
Мария пишет, что ИТФ потратили много время и усилия доказать, что она УМЫШЛЕНО принимала ДОПИНГ, но Трибунал не согласился с этим.
Теперь понятно, почему Трибунал решил забанить ее два года - потому что ИТФ хотели 4 года!
Нужно бороться в любом случае! Пусть правда прозвучит, они ее так не любят. Пусть маски послетают. Пусть все увидят, что происходит, сколько бы СМИ не вопили обратное.
П.С. Смотреть спорт становится все противней. Да и своих проблем хватает. Пусть перед и ОИ Серена поцелуется с Обамой, а Мёрри - с королевой. А потом пусть друг друга радостно награждают, не забыв принять аналоги мельдония, целиком и полностью одобренные USADA и UK Anti-Doping. Не говоря уже про одобрение ВАДА. Это само собой.
У меня все равно никогда не уложится в голове мысль, что это все произошло с Машей. С ней, в её безупречной карьере такого никогда не должно было произойти. 2 года.. не знаю, что и думать(