Andrey Arshavin: In advertising, you have to come to terms with your conscience sometimes

Russia and Arsenal midfielder Andrey Arshavin told about his attitude to advertisement participation.

«Sometimes you have to come to terms with your conscience. There can also be situations that for one brand I’ll make everything for free, but for another one I won’t agree even for some good money. At the same time my own attitude to the products of these companies will be exactly the opposite.

«You should treat everything with a sense of humor. For example, my daughter really likes the computer game on the web site of the company, whose chips I advertised, where an Arshavin-shaped figure catches cucumbers with its mouth.»

«I’m not offended by the jokes in that cartoon show, where I’m one of the characters [Mult lichnosti –Sports.ru]. However, my mom sometimes gets upset when they portray me with a bottle or a hookah,» Arshavin said to Sport-Express.

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