Russian cyclist’s doping sample «B» at Tour de France is also positive

Russian cyclist Alexander Kolobnev’s doping test sample «B» has also proved to be positive for hydrochlorothiazide, a diuretic extensively used to conceal traces of doping.

The analysis of test sample B was performed by WADA-accredited laboratory at Chatenay-Malabry. Now all the materials on the case will be submitted to the Russian Cycling Federation (FVSR), which will make its decision on the Kolobnev case, reported L’Equipe.

The Russian cyclist may face a two-year ban. Also, according to his contract with Katyusha cycling team, Kolobnev will have to a pay a €2.5 million penalty for the positive result of the doping test «B».

It should be noted that Kolobnev has withdrawn voluntarily from the Tour de France after his test sample «A» was found to be positive.

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