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Глеб Шишкин, Глеб Шишкин

Глеб Шишкин: статусы

Дата регистрации 29 декабря 2012
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Пол мужчина
Возраст 29
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    Глеб Шишкин
    Глеб Шишкин - редактирование статуса
    I used to eat like Jokic. He is fat on purpose. When I see jokic eat as he is now it reminds me of how I used to eat and it is frustrating and pisses me off that the NBA allows it. Not proud of it, I was known as Joey chestnut at my local Golden Corral and went through a phase when I ate triple servings of everything. Big rack of ribs turns to my blindside, didn’t care who was there. Charge right ... Читать дальше into the dessert. Smash into the best steak on D while going for the mashed potato’s, come what may. Limited cardio moves. So make no mistake about it. Jokic knows what he’s doing. He knows people will be disgusted. He knows his appetite is unlimited and this is how he can win. He knows people will go away when he starts eating, think twice on their diet, etc. He will only be stopped by a healthy meal like carrots, lettuce, broccoli, etc. Or by an obviously more balanced carb with equal Type A like wheat bread. He didn’t intend to be obese, but he certainly intends to show you that he doesn’t care if you get disgusted when his fat belly shakes over you. At least that’s how I used to eat. But that was lunchtime. Eventually I got to dinner, ate w bigger servings, ate real fatty foods w hostess. There’s no doubt in my mind Jokic eats more than some villages.
    Глеб Шишкин
    Глеб Шишкин - редактирование статуса
    Глеб Шишкин
    Глеб Шишкин - редактирование статуса
    Глеб Шишкин
    Глеб Шишкин - редактирование статуса
    Глеб Шишкин
    Глеб Шишкин - редактирование статуса
    Глеб Шишкин
    Глеб Шишкин - редактирование статуса